Monday, September 7, 2009

broken hearted


her name is CAREY MULLIGAN, 24, and Shia is 23
yeah she is older than shia
doi co-star di filmnya Shia yang baru Wall Street : Money Never Sleeps
and she is Shia's new girlfriend T.T
i never heard about her before

she's cute, but im not ready to see them as a couple yet

and now im sick seeing them. i cant take it, aint ready huooooooooooaaaaaaaaaah

dan selagi gue broken heart sama sama, gue lagi keranjingan mantengin video clipnya taylor swift yang baru
"you belong with me"

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

bikin sirik, tapi gue seneng liatnya hahaha

hati gua lagi di gonjang ganjing sama Shia Labeouf dan Lucas Till nih

(courtesy of just jared and myspace)


lika said...

sabar ya nak haha

cisicabeouf said...

ini udah gua sabar-sabarin lik, ngahaha