Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5th

it's your birthday,


and i'm leaving to Bandung :)

goodluck, bye!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

can we merge it?

a friend once told me

"matiin logika lo, ikutin hati lo. karena logika bisa ngikutin hati, tapi hati ngga bisa ngikutin logika"

and i can't pick a side.

happy? or maybe sad

things were easier when it left unsaid

Thursday, December 30, 2010

pedih emang.....


Saturday, December 18, 2010

well....its been A YEAR??!!!

whoa whoa whoa, its been a year since my last post. and now we all wait for the christmas day and new year eve (again).

talk about mine, my school-life have changed. i am highschool student no more.

cause now, i am, registered as,

SBM-ITB collegian!

thanks god I MADE IT, after all those creepy-hectic-tempting-months (sigh)
dream comes true, eh.

and.......... there was someone who always accompany me all that reminiscence time, my best regards for him. big thanks B!

this time? its over. sorry to myself for reminds me of you......

well, i think thats quite enough to describe my last year. i'll share it later. sorry for this unimportant post, ha ha, i'm kind of bored wait for my brothers picking me up to the cinema.

ps: being a collegian is hard, yaa you know...........

Friday, January 1, 2010

salah asuhan

new year! new layout! new resolution! NEW ME!

sembari mengulang sedikit postingan gue yang dibawah hahahaha

bukan sekedar janji doang, resolusi ini jadi acuannya:

1. kuliah di ITB (amin)

2. be a better me

ngga muluk-muluk semuanya pengen jadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya, begitu juga dengan saya

malam tahun baru saya lewati dengan sedikit salah asuhan, kenapaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
lihat saja fotonya

cuman ada gue,

ferry, daniel
iki, dan juga....

gue ngga nyangka nyo lo senarsis ini hahahahaha

malam pergantian tahun ini kami lewati dengan...............dengan apa ajalah yang terlintas dikepala waktu itu biar ngga garing hahaha


terciptalah makanan ini dibantu oleh chef ferry

ngga jauh beda sama taun lalu, kita bermain uno terus terusan

yah meskipun terlihat kurang penting tapi saya menikmatinya,
terima kasih ya bagi yang sudah datang!

last but not least, terima kasih bagi yang udah baca atau cuman sembari liat-liat blog ini hahaha

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

new year, new face

new layout!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

is it crime?

many bad things in life
we have to clever to choose the right one for us
don't go with the flow, stand up even people will talk shitty about it
people just looking what they want to look
be different isn't a crime