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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: shia im sorry im late
Stranger: its ok dont worry
Stranger: you havnt missed anything
You: do you angry with me?
Stranger: not at all its cool
Stranger: i got you somez cake
You: oh thanks god
Stranger: its ok
You: really? oh youre so sweet
You: wheres the cake babe?
Stranger: its chocolate chocolate cake with chocolate bits
You: oh my god, you always know what i like
Stranger: well i do try :)
You: is your hand still hurt babe?
Stranger: a little yeah but its ok, not as bad as yesterday :)
Stranger: hows your toe?
You: good to hear that
You: its fine, dont worry
Stranger: good
thats was a big dog
You: yeah, thanks for saving me
Stranger: its ok
dont waanna see you get hurt
Stranger: hows the cake?
Stranger: it was the last piece
Stranger: ;0
You: feel so good
Stranger: *:)
You: why you are not eating it?
Stranger: but its ok :)
You: hahaha, oops
You: my bad
Stranger: no worries chichi
You: chichi?
You: who is chichi?
Stranger: yeah remember last week. . .
that snake called you chichi
so thats your nick name now :)
remember ?
You: your other girlfriend?
Stranger: dont be silly :)
You: om my god, i think i got headche
You: sorry, im forget
Stranger: OH NOZ
ill kiss it better
Stranger: *
Stranger: thats any better?
You: great
Stranger: :)
Stranger: ohhh its starting :)
You: are you not working today?
Stranger: not toady mr
You: wew, thats good for me
You: so i can spend my time with you
Stranger: thats what i thought :)
Stranger: just me and you
You: yeah, but do not forget bout the dog
You: or he'll bite us again
Stranger: hes ok the old lady on the street said shell keep an eye on him :)
You: good to know then
You: shall we go?
Stranger: yeah thats get outta here
the band are shit
You: yeah, so where are we going next?
Stranger: magic toilets?
You: what is that babe?
You: i never heard about it?
Stranger: you go there and make a wish and kiss then your wish comes true :)
You: no i dont want to, i better kiss you shia
Stranger: no eachother :P
Stranger: bha1
You: oh thanks got, not kissing the shit
Stranger: but . .you have to kiss eachothers bums. . .
You: *god
Stranger: i know
Stranger: we can go somewhere else if you want?
You: well you decide
Stranger: lets go :)
Stranger: make a wish :)
You: i am wishing now
Stranger: me too :)
You: what is your wish?
Stranger: that it wazz just you and me . .
Stranger: whatz about chichi?
You: oh my god, i am too
Stranger: :)
Stranger: *pop*
You: by the way, why the snake call me chichi?
Stranger: it came tRUE :)
Stranger: i dont know
Stranger: he just slitherd over and said
Stranger: hay chichi :S
Stranger: AH!!
You: oh, thats weird
Stranger: i know right :)
You: hey, dont you wanna meet my arents?
You: *parents
Stranger: id love too :)
Stranger: lets fly there now?
You: alright, have you a private jet?
Stranger: i doooz
You: thats good
Stranger: itz pink though
You: oh my god, why you change the color?
Stranger: i didnt the snkae did :(
You: bad snake
You: ckck
Stranger: hey
Stranger: wanna kiss?
You: with you?
Stranger: yep
You: or the snake?
Stranger: me :)
You: apasih yang engga buat shia labeouf
You: okay
Stranger: *kisses pationatly on the lips*
You: lol, will megan angry with me?
You: because i kiss you
Stranger: i dont mind
your more important
You: i love to hear that
Stranger: i hits my head and forgot
whats your age babe?
Stranger: im really sorry
Stranger: it was the snake
You: oh shia, im freshly 17
You: and you 23 right?
Stranger: i went back in timez
im 18 :)
You: or im wrong? the snake stole my memory
You: oh yeah, i remember it
(ehem sorry gue cut disini, yang ini udah lulus sensor lol)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
hem kalo ni conversation dibikin filem , filemnya shia labeouf yang manapun kalah dah hahahahaha
maaf ya kalo susunan katanya ngga bener, yang penting lu ngerti lah maksudnya apa